Transline Heads to PWX 2021

Transline Heads to PWX 2021

This month, between August 29th and August 31st, Transline is excited to announce our inclusion at Public Works Expo (PWX) 2021.

This year’s theme — “Stronger Together” — aims to bring members of the public works industries alongside the citizens we serve to explore cohesive ways to educate the public and learn more about how together we can create a fantastic community.

The entire point of this year’s PWX is to discover attainable goals together!

What is PWX 2021?

PWX, or Public Works Expo, brings together professionals from throughout the public works industry. Everyone in attendance will have a unique opportunity to speak with experts in their field, listen to industry leaders speak on fascinating topics, and interact with projects, tools, equipment, and data from the public works industry.

Furthermore, PWX is North America’s biggest exhibit floor for public works equipment and services. In all, we’re talking about over 5,000 professionals coming together in St. Louis!

Where is PWX 2021?

This year’s PWX takes place in St. Louis, Missouri, at America’s Center Convention Complex.

If you’re keen on exploring the public works industry in any way, shape, or form, save the date!

Where is Transline?

Between August 29th and August 31st, Transline will reside at Booth #2615.

During the convention, we’ll happily discuss our public works projects, services, and equipment that makes a key difference in communities like yours!

Getting Ready for the Expo

The entire Transline family is excited for the upcoming expo, and we know you’ll love what we have to share!

For more information on our services or products, contact us today!