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Tag: Development

autonomous cars

Texas Chosen as Testing Grounds for Automated Vehicles

U.S. Department of Transportation selects Texas as 1 of 10 testing locations for autonomous vehicle technology AUSTIN – The U.S. Department of Transportation (USDOT) has named Texas a national Automated Vehicle (AV) Proving Ground for the testing of connected and automated vehicle technologies. The designation establishes Texas as a leader in the research and development of new transportation technologies that could

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nj traffic

U.S. DOT Awards Six States Grants

The goals of the grants include reducing congestion, improving connections to mass transit and enhancing safety in six states. Six states will have extra money to expand freight corridors and implement connected vehicle technologies with the help of $56.6 million in grants from the U.S. Department of Transportation announced this week. Officials in Denver will receive $6 million to enact efficiencies in

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