Let’s All be Aware in Honor of Distracted Driving Awareness Month
TxDOT is launching an awareness campaign today to remind Texans to put their phones down and give driving their full attention whenever they are behind the wheel in honor of National Distracted Driving Awareness Month.
According to TxDOT, Texas roadways saw nearly one in five crashes caused by a distracted driver in which 364 people died and 2,200 were seriously injured last year. Any activity that diverts drivers attention away from safely operating a vehicle is a dangerous distraction. Research shows that whether a driver uses a voice-to-text program, a hands-free device, or a handheld one, the distraction will affect the driver’s ability to drive safely, TxDOT said. Reading, writing, or sending a text has been illegal while driving in Texas since Sept. 1, 2017. Violators can face a fine up to $200.
Read the full article on NBCDFW Channel 5 here. Explore this subject more on TxDOT website.